Field Maintenance


Your assistance is greatly appreciated with helping South Middleton Youth Baseball Association (SMYBA) be good stewards of the baseball fields and facilities that we use at the permission of South Middleton Township. The 2017 edition of SMYBA’s “Field Maintenance News” provides important information for managers, coaches, and players regarding the Association’s field maintenance duties and responsibilities and we greatly appreciate your cooperation, assistance and support. 


The baseball fields that we use are owned by South Middleton Township and are overseen and managed by the Parks and Recreation Department. While the Township mows the grass, it is the Association’s responsibility to maintain the infields, dugouts, batting cage, as well as the maintenance sheds and equipment stored therein. SMYBA has developed a strong rapport and working relationship with the Parks and Recreation Department staff and the Department always goes the extra mile for SMYBA to assist us with the following maintenance efforts: 

 Annually purchase bulk infield soil mix that is currently stored in the newly constructed concrete bunker at Bowman Park (Woodcrafters Field) (note this bunker was constructed at the Department’s expense for SMYBA) 

  •  Replenish the infield soil on all fields and remove lips created by poor dragging techniques and wind erosion 
  •  Receive and distribute field maintenance supplies (i.e., line marking dust, mound clay, etc.) to the field sheds 
  •   Open and deep drag the infields in preparation for SMYBA’s use 
  •   Help SMYBA erect the batting cage net 
  •   Provide assistance with making repairs to the dugouts 


As SMYBA volunteers, it is also our collective responsibility to take proper care of the fields, dugouts, sheds, etc. This includes the following: 

  •  Maintaining the maintenance sheds: Maintenance sheds are not a dumping ground for trash and debris. It is our collective responsibility to take the time to clean out, organize and maintain the sheds to ensure all coaches and players have convenient and safe access to the equipment and supplies. Furthermore, keeping the sheds free of trash and debris helps prevent mice infestations. Note, baseball player equipment is stored and maintained by SMYBA’s Equipment Manager, Matt Vincent, at a separate location. Please refrain from storing equipment in the sheds. 

    NOTE: An ample supply of rakes and brooms are available in the sheds and watering cans are also available (have your players fill them at the watering spigots). Lightly watering the mounds and home plate areas before they are covered with tarps helps maintain their utility and prevents player injury. Also, weighted buckets are to be used to hold down the tarps. 
  • Raking, repairing (watering and tamping) and covering the mounds and home plate areas BEFORE and AFTER each game and practice (base areas should also be raked)
  •  Sweeping and collecting trash from the dugouts (including sunflower seeds and bubble gum) BEFORE and AFTER each game and practice. 
  •  Players are especially encouraged to take on the above responsibilities and we coaches should instill pride and ownership of the fields and dugouts with our players. This is part of our coaching responsibility.
  •   Dragging the infields: 
    •   Lawn tractors are only to be driven by coaches (absolutely no players are permitted to operate the tractors). Before each use, you must check the oil levels in addition to the gas levels.
    •   Oil is available in the Juniors, Majors and AAA sheds and please remember to not overfill.  Gas jugs are also available, but we are all responsible for refilling the tractors after each use and refilling the gas jugs when empty. The Association will reimburse you for the gas. Simply provide your receipt to SMYBA’s Treasurer, Jen Acuna, at [email protected].  Or, mail it to Jen's attention at SMYBA, P.O. Box 12, Boiling Springs, PA 17007.  Dragging is essential to groom the fields and keep them well-conditioned. Nail dragging is especially important should the fields become compacted and hard. 
    •   Alternate the direction of your drags and do not drag too close to the grass areas. 
    •  Do not end your drag behind first base in the grass area. Instead, end your drag on the field and use a landscaping rake to smooth out the excess soil. 

NOTE: SMYBA has invested in a new pull-behind field groomer that we begn using during the 2017 season. The groomer will augment coaches’ pre-game and practice field dragging efforts. More information on the groomer is available at 


SMYBA has proactively engaged the Township’s Parks and Recreation Department to embark on a Bowman Park Master Plan that includes a strategy to reinvest in the Township’s existing park facilities (as opposed to invest in new facilities). The master plan seeks to identify various improvements to the fields that included a 2017 initiative by the Township purchase and install field lights. This was a significant and very important investment in SMYBA’s Little League Baseball program and future improvements will continue to be identified and advanced as funding resources are available. SMYBA is extremely grateful for the Township’s strong support and vested interest in creating a high-quality and reputable Little League baseball playing environment. 

In light of the Township’s investments, the SMYBA community is encouraged to help identify corporate sponsors interested in participating in these planned field facility improvements. Field facility improvement sponsors will be duly recognized for their support. 

On behalf of SMYBA, THANK YOU for volunteering and going the extra mile to ensure the Association is being a good caretaker of South Middleton Township Parks and Recreation resources. Please contact me with any questions. 

Local Sponsors

South Middleton Youth Baseball Association

P.O. Box 12 
Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania 17007

Email: [email protected]

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